Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Not All Who Wander Are Lost
June, 2019 - Mount Denali, Alaska

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tornado Watch–Yikes!

Our plan had been to leave Oklahoma this morning and drive to Springfield, Missouri for the night.  Yesterday the weather people were predicting severe storms and possible tornados for Missouri tonight.  That’s not good.

So, we decided to stay in Oklahoma for another day.  We paid for another night and enjoyed a nice day today.  Originally, the weather reports were for severe weather in eastern Oklahoma and east into Missouri.  We’re in central Oklahoma.

Well, the weather changed it’s mind and decided to become severe closer to us.  We are currently under a tornado watch.  There have been a few funnel clouds that have popped up in our surrounding area, but so far we’ve had rain and just a little bit of small hail.  Hopefully, that’s the worst of it.

The storm shelter is just across the road from us so at least we have a safe place to go, if needed.  Keep your fingers crossed for us that we won’t need it!!!


  1. Coming from Wisconsin, do you miss the basement?

  2. Hope you stay safe. We are in Kansas City on the edge of the storms so just rain. This is the first rain we've seen since January.

  3. Hope you don't have any problems. Stay safe.

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. Hope you are safe and well. I've been reading about the loss of life and damage those tornado's have been causing.


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