The house inspection report is in, and the buyers have signed off on it. There are a few minor repairs they want done which we have agreed to (attach a loose downspout and replace the screening in the patio door). We can handle that.
Tonight the appraiser comes. I can't see any problem there since we had the house appraised last fall for a refinance and sold it for below that appraised value.
Yesterday was a banner day for me. I gave my notice at work. April 30th will be my last day. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt. I have been very unhappy at my job for a long time. I have a very nasty coworker who has made my life miserable. As much as people tell you not to let it bother you, I couldn't help it. She was REALLY nasty! She hasn't said a word to me since I gave my notice.
The rest of the staff have been so supportive. So many of them have told me how they are envious or jealous of us. It seems there are a lot of people longing for freedom. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, but it seems fear is holding many back. Or, maybe we're just crazy.
Friday we are taking the camper to the county park we will be camphosting at. Kevin will stay there next week by himself. (I'm sure he'll manage just fine without me). Next Friday night I will join him and our official fulltime RV life will begin.
We're setting May 1, 2010 as our official fulltime date. I think that's fitting. I was born in Germany, and May Day is a big celebration in Germany. They celebrate the arrival of spring. Just like we will celebrate a new beginning for us. I'm getting a bit teary-eyed just thinking about it :)
All glory comes from daring to begin.
22 hours ago